by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Jul 2, 2020 | STD
Dear women: you should be talking about STIs with your OB-GYN. A woman’s anatomy makes her more susceptible to all types of infections, including sexually transmitted ones. Plus, untreated STIs can cause more severe and long-lasting problems for women compared...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Jun 2, 2020 | Obstetrician
Millions of babies are born every year in the United States. If you’ve recently found out you’re expecting, congratulations! Now it is time to find a great obstetrician that will support your pregnancy. Are you searching for an obstetrician, but...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | May 1, 2020 | Gynecologist
20 million new individuals contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) every year. It’s a terrifying number, and a good reason to visit a gynecologist routinely. It’s not, however, the only reason. From gaining control over your periods to preventing...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Mar 10, 2020 | Gynecologist
About 1 in 10 women suffer from a disease called polycystic ovary syndrome. While Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is pretty common, there are some important things that women need to know about it. The best thing to do is to be as informed as possible about untreated PCOS...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Feb 26, 2020 | Gynecologist, HPV, Uncategorized
It’s important to receive testing for a range of medical issues, especially if you have a family history of specific medical conditions. For example, 69% of women have received a pap test within the past three years. Pap smears are a diagnostic procedure that...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Feb 12, 2020 | Gynecologist
If you are a woman, chances are you’ve heard that you need to go see an OB/GYN once you turn 21 or become sexually active. You may even have heard that you need to get a pap smear. But what does OB/GYN stand for, and what is a pap smear? An OB/GYN is your expert on...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Dec 10, 2019 | Embarazo
Desde el momento en que la línea adicional aparece en la prueba de embarazo, usted querrá ver a su pequeño para hacerlo todo real. Una ecografía le permite hacer esto bastante temprano. Esta primera ecografía puede causar una avalancha de emociones, haciéndote sentir...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Dec 10, 2019 | Ginecólogo
A medida que envejecemos, nuestros cuerpos cambian, lo que significa que nuestras necesidades también cambian. Con el tiempo, las niñas tendrán que visitar a un obstetra-ginecólogo, o ob/gyn. Estos médicos se especializan en la atención médica de las mujeres. Los...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Dec 6, 2019 | Gynecologist
As we grow older, our bodies change, meaning our needs change as well. With time, young girls will need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, or ob/gyn. These doctors specialize in women’s healthcare. Doctors suggest that girls attend their first ob/gyn...
by 67th Street OB/Gyn | Nov 4, 2019 | Pregnancy
From the moment that extra line appears on the pregnancy test, you will want to see your little one to make it all real. An ultrasound allows you to do this fairly early on. This first ultrasound can cause a flood of emotions, making you feel both excited and nervous....