Irregular Periods: Causes, Treatments, and When to See an OBGYN in NYC

Periods are more than punctuation marks. Roughly 26% of the global population menstruate.

Despite its frequent occurrence, menstruation is one of the most misunderstood biological processes. Irregular periods may be confusing, but they are curable.

What exactly are irregular periods? Where do they come from? What can an OBGYN in NYC do about them?

Answer these questions and you can have terrific reproductive health in little time. Here is your quick guide.

The Essentials of Irregular Periods

A person’s first period occurs when they are around 12 years old. Many people assume that someone has a period once a month. This is sometimes the case, but many people have natural periods that occur earlier or later.

Only the individual having periods can know whether their periods are irregular or not. In general, periods are irregular when two of them occur within 21 days of each other. They are also irregular if it takes 35 days or longer to have another period.

It may be difficult to notice irregular periods. Someone may not have any other troubling symptoms. A person can get pregnant while or after they have irregular periods.


There is no one cause for all irregular periods. Someone may be experiencing multiple causes at once, so it is important to study the most common ones.


Many hormonal conditions can affect a person’s menstrual cycle. Prolactin is a hormone that affects how the body produces milk. If the level of prolactin is too high within the body, periods may cease.

The thyroid gland produces hormones for a range of bodily functions. In rare cases, it can become overactive or it can stop producing hormones. Either condition can skew the schedule for periods.

The adrenal glands also produce various hormones. In particular, they produce a hormone called cortisol that helps with cell function. If they do not produce enough, a person cannot menstruate.

The rapid production of hormones during puberty can make periods occur more frequently. Once puberty ends, someone will experience them less often.


Many people think of stress as a mental health problem. But it can have ramifications on the body.

When a person feels threatened, their brain releases hormones so they can deal with the threat. In small doses, stress hormones are helpful.

But over time, they can affect the production and function of other hormones. The body may stop producing hormones that help with menstruation.

It is possible for a sudden shock to affect the menstrual cycle, though this is rare. Stress does not make periods occur more frequently.


Genes can affect periods, but only under rare circumstances. Turner syndrome occurs when someone has a missing or defective X chromosome. They may not experience periods at all, or they may experience them once every three months or later.

Other people may not have genetic disorders. But they may inherit genes from their parents that delay or skew when they get periods.

Pre-existing Conditions

Sexually transmitted infections can impact the reproductive tract. Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs when bacteria spread to the uterus and genitals. The infection can skew when periods occur and cause painful menstruation.

Growths in the uterus can also delay menstruation. Someone may develop growths during their childbearing years, after having a normal period cycle. Growths usually occur with bleeding and abdominal pain.

Premature menopause can occur before someone turns 40. Their periods may stop, and they may experience symptoms of menopause like hot flashes.

When to Go to an OBGYN in NYC

It can be hard to know what is causing irregular periods. Someone who notices that they have them should go to their primary physician. They should talk to their doctor about what they are experiencing, including psychological symptoms.

Once they get an evaluation, they should go to a gynecologist in NYC. They can ask their doctor for a recommendation, or they can do their research. They can follow tips on how to choose a gynecologist for themselves.

Anyone can go to an OBGYN in New York whenever they want to. Anyone experiencing significant pain or who is concerned about their fertility should go right away.


An evaluation from a gynecologist in Manhattan is the first step toward treatment. They may ask for a blood test to assess the level of hormones in a person’s body. They may also run an ultrasound scan to see if the internal organs are functioning properly.

Once the cause has been determined, a person can begin treatments specific to that cause. In some cases, no advanced treatment may be needed.

Someone may just need to wait until their hormones level out, especially if they are going through puberty. If stress is a problem, a person can speak to a psychiatrist.

When therapies are needed, a person can take hormones that encourage menstruation. They can also take medications to reduce inflammation and mitigate pain.

Someone who has growths in their reproductive organs may need minor surgery. But this is the last resort that comes after other treatments.

Get Help for Irregular Periods Today

Irregular periods can be concerning. Deviations from a person’s routine menstrual cycle count as irregular periods. Other symptoms may not accompany the deviations.

There are numerous causes for them. A person may have a hormone imbalance, or they may be experiencing stress. A genetic disorder or a bacterial infection may be throwing their cycle off.

Visiting an OBGYN in NYC is the first step toward treatment. Irregular periods are curable through some basic steps.

You don’t have to go far to find a great gynecologist. 67th Street OB/GYN serves New York City residents. Schedule your appointment today.