7 Questions to Ask at Your Next OB-GYN appointment

Are you due for your next OB-GYN appointment?

When it’s time to schedule your next appointment, you should prepare a list of questions that you want to ask the doctor. OB-GYN appointments can be daunting for some who are new to these office visits or who aren’t comfortable speaking with doctors about personal issues.

This is what your OB-GYN is here for, however. There are no such things as embarrassing questions, and you might be surprised to know that your OB-GYN gets asked that same questions quite a bit. Chances are if you have questions about something, your OB-GYN has been asked it plenty times before.

That’s why you should never feel uncomfortable to ask what’s on your mind. When it’s time to schedule your gynecologist appointment, here are a few questions you should actually consider asking your OB-GYN. Continue reading to learn more!

1. Why Am I in Pain?

If you’re in pain for any reason in your breasts or vaginal area, then you need to ask your gyno about this. You shouldn’t be in pain, and your gyno will most likely have the answer for relief. Pain in the breasts can be associated with hormone changes either due to pregnancy or your menstrual cycle.

It’s also important to have your gyno check for signs of breast cancer and show you have to complete your own breast-cancer checks. If you have pain in the vaginal area, then this could be due to a number of reasons as well. Pain during sex could mean an infection, side effects to medication, a simple need for lubrication, or something else.

There are so many possible reasons for this pain, your gyno has had many patients in the past come in with pain in this area as well. Ask your gyno about the pain so he or she can help you find the cause and get you relieved as soon as possible.

2. Is This Normal?

Is there something you feel or see that you’re unsure of? When young women go through hormonal changes, they go through physical changes as well. These physical changes might not seem normal, but they are.

Other things such as bumps, redness, or anything else that seems out of the ordinary should be brought up with your gynecologist. Remember, they’ve seen it all, and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about anything.

It’s essential to show your gyno the unusual area so that any possible problems can be treated.

3. What Are My Birth Control Options?

Many women choose to take birth control as part of their family planning. You’ve most likely heard of the pill and a few other birth control options. Don’t simply go into your appointment set on one type of birth control, however.

There are many different forms of birth control and one form isn’t right for all women. Ask your gynecologist about the different options to see which one is best for you. After being on it for a while, if you feel like it’s not the right choice for you, then be sure to schedule another appointment to come back and speak with your doctor about other options.

Your gynecologist will be happy to go through the different options and help you find the right one.

4. When Should I Get a Mammogram?

Don’t avoid the mammogram question. Many believe that they have nothing to worry about and believe that breast cancer will never affect them, but this simply isn’t true. Breast cancer can affect anyone.

Be sure to ask your gyno about the best time to schedule your mammograms and how often you should have them done. Your gyno will also be able to tell you how to perform your own breast cancer checks at home, but this doesn’t take the place of a mammogram test.

5. Can I Get Tested for STDs/STIs?

Never hesitate to ask for an STD or STI test. Gynecologists perform these types of tests all the time. It’s normal to have STD or STI testing done, and it’s actually suggested that you do have them done periodically.

If you believe there’s a reason for concern, then you want to bring up these concerns with your gyno and have him or her schedule the tests. If you don’t have reasons for concern, you should still have STD and STI testing done regularly to confirm there are no issues.

Some STDs and STIs won’t give you any symptoms, but you can still spread them to others and have long-term effects if not treated.

6. What Are Proper Cleaning Methods?

You’ll be surprised to learn that many women are curious about proper cleaning methods for their private areas. If you’re unsure of the best way to get clean, then ask without hesitation. All women are different and some have irritations or reactions to certain soaps while others don’t.

In general, unscented soaps are best to use in these sensitive areas to avoid pH levels being thrown off. Speak to your gyno about any current issues you’re having with soaps and what’s the best option for you.

7. What’s Normal vs. Unusual Discharge?

There’s normal discharge and unusual discharge. If you’ve never experienced unusual discharge before and had a doctor explain to you the cause, then you might not be sure what’s normal and what’s not.

If you have any questions about it or reasons for concern such as a change in color, smell, or consistency, then ask your gyno about these changes. He or she will test for infection if needed or will confirm that all is normal.

Feel Comfortable at Your Next OB-GYN Appointment

We want you to feel comfortable at your next OB-GYN appointment and ask any questions that might be on your mind. Remember, there are not many things that your OB-GYN hasn’t already seen or heard. Take a deep breath, and know you’re more normal than you think.

Are you ready to schedule your next OB-GYN appointment? Schedule your appointment today and ask away!